These are troubled times in this sector of the galaxy.
The Megacorporation, a commercial conglomerate with monopolistic practices, has been appropriating all the asteroid fields in order to control the flow of the most
important minerals.
This leaves the planets of the Union of Free Worlds in a very delicate position, which must pay exorbitant sums for metals and other compounds necessary for the proper development of their colonies.
But they have decided to take action by founding Rocksteroids, a division of special operations corps.
Their mission will be to carry out selective attacks on the asteroid fields and quickly seize shipments of minerals, metals, ores and rocks with chemical compounds that the Union needs.
It will not be an easy task. The Megacorporation has arranged all kinds of defensive measures to protect the fields. Drones, cannons, mined areas, and in the most important, true detachments with heavy ships designed to avoid looting.
You, young pilot from the academy, have just been assigned to the Rocksteroids project, and trained in the handling of the capable OreTraktor. Versatile raid ship, equipped with the latest combat technology.
The future of thousands ofsettlers is in your hands.
Welcome to Rocksteroids.