Hello everyone. It's taking me more time than I thought to implement the player's RPG skills and attributes system. You have to plan everything well so as not to end up in a sea of ​​disconnected and meaningless variables. This is where the power of dictionaries and arrays becomes your lifeline. On the other hand, keep in mind that this is a one-man project and I am not dedicated to this full time. Don't worry, little by little we are moving forward. More news soon. Thanks for being there.


This last month, we've been very busy implementing all the logic behind the RPG aspects of Rocksteroids. This is a quite complicated job, we must keep in mind that internally, we work with many variables that interact with each other and we must pay close attention to the changes. Little by little we are moving forward. At the same time we have been making the appropriate changes to our "Docks and Shipyards" screen, reorganizing the information and planning the system of weapons upgrades.


We continue refactoring the enemies' code. But we are also tweaking the behavior of collisions with asteroids. Now maybe they are too soft. I want them to be more dangerous crashes, and in some ways lethal. We have also thought about dividing the ship's armor, so that one section is in charge of receiving and absorbing combat damage and another part will be in charge of absorbing damage from impact with rocks. Both factors can be improved during the game, by investing the money that the player will earn with the missions.

These last few days, we have been repairing certain errors that we had in the shooting systems. So that any type of weapon or ammunition can damage or destroy any type of enemy. They are not very attractive or fun things, but before continuing to advance they had to be well codified.
Hello everyone. During these days we have been busy, trying to load the necessary resources into the backgroud to start and avoid waiting on the main screen. Inserting the typical loading bar. 
We've been fighting with Godot's ResourceLoader and I think now, after several days, we're starting to understand the system.
I sincerely believe that the examples in the manual are not as clear as they should be. 
